Page 118 - Just Deserts
P. 118

The Sirocco Lites 26K Run for the Money

        received  by  the  Times  and  other  print  and  broadcast  media
        suggesting  that  Holden  had  been  bribed  by  Sirocco  through  La
        Manza in order to gain approval of the tobacco giant’s takeover of
        the annual race. Despite vehement denials by La Manza and Holden,
        subsequent  investigation  did  reveal  that  a  questionable  bank
        transaction had taken place between the two men. A news blackout
        has been imposed on this aspect of the story pending action by the
        Isla View district attorney’s office.
          One day after the corruption charges became widely known, other
        elements  of  La  Manza’s  and  Holden’s  stories  came  into  question.
        Sirocco denied any knowledge of a deal involving La Manza and Isla
        View.  Their  spokesman  also  said  the  company  had  no  record  of
        anyone named Boyd Brainard. The Times has searched directories in
        all the major American cities, with the same negative result. At the
        same  time,  several  disabled  participants  in  the  marathon  came
        forward  to  repudiate  Holden’s  assertions.  Our  correspondent  was
        unable  to establish  the  existence  of  either  the  North  Coast  Racing
        Vets  or  Kevin  Caltrop.  When  confronted  at  Kennedy  Airport  by
        reporters on his return to New York, La Manza uncharacteristically
        had little to say, deferring to the attorney who had accompanied him
        from San Francisco. Holden’s office would not return phone calls.
          The dispute might have remained on a local level, were it not for
        the  entry  of  several  veterans  groups  into  the  fray.  According  to
        Thomas Sandstrom, director of the Boston chapter of Disabled Vets,
        Inc., they had been vaguely aware of the Isla View scandal when they
        received  a  call  from  a  man  refusing  to  identify  himself.  The  caller
        pointed  out  that  Sirocco  Lites  are  manufactured  by  a  company
        owned by Polygon Industries, a multinational conglomerate, and that
        Polygon  also  owns  Tripwire  Technologies,  producer  of  land  mines
        and  anti-personnel  weapons  sold  to  other  countries  as  well  as  the
        United States. The anonymous tipster then incited the Boston group
        by saying it was outrageous that a company responsible for many of
        the wounds inflicted on the wheelchair racers was trying to co-opt
        their marathon and exploit their disability for commercial purposes.
          Similar calls were reported around the country at veterans group
        headquarters.  Within  a  few  hours  caravans  were  organized  and
        several thousand people began converging on the Polygon building in
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