Page 6 - SAMPLE Running Out of Time
P. 6

 about to board a boat, and Vasily opens his eyes and tells his father that they must not make the journey.
He has mastered his gift – in the same way he was shown to do in the “After” timeline – and it is revealed that the entire “After” timeline is Vasily’s vision, from the beach, of what will happen next if they take the boat to England. Instead, he finds a mobile phone, calls Rachel – who has no idea who he is – and tells her that there is an insider in her police unit, identifying Rachel’s boss as the traitor and telling her where the evidence to prove this can be found.
In a final timeline,“Later”, Rachel comes to France to meet Vasily and his father, where she explains that the information that he provided was all accurate and that the criminal gang has been disbanded.Vasily and his father are given safe passage to England, and Vasily meets Hayley – who also has no idea who he is – and they begin a friendship.

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