Page 5 - SAMPLE Running Out of Time
P. 5
In the “After” timeline,Vasily and Hayley find Rachel – but then are caught and tied up themselves.And finally, after all this time,Vasily realises what his grandmother had been trying to teach him when she said he had to “take time to practise”. She didn’t mean “find the time”. She meant “take the time”.Vasily has all the time in
the world to practise, because he can take it and use it.There are stories of someone who can take all the time in the world, his grandmother said, and now he understands why. Because if you can take a second you can take another second in the time it takes for the first. And if you can do that you can take a minute or an hour or a day.And if you have fifteen seconds to start with, the whole future is yours to see.You just need a chance to see it.
Vasily looks ahead, and sees only failure in front of him, but he knows that he has to try anyway – to save himself, and Rachel and Hayley.
The gang members lead them onto a boat where they will be taken back to France. On board,Vasily finally explains his gift to Hayley, and then, on the sea’s rough waters, they manage to overpower their captors and take control of the boat.They stay on course, headed to France, and uncover the traitor within the police force – Rachel’s boss.
They eventually reach France, where they find more gang members waiting for them.All seems lost.
At this point, the “Before” narrative becomes a new timeline,“Now”.Vasily and his father are on the beach,