Page 4 - SAMPLE Running Out of Time
P. 4

 they’re meeting, Rachel, is really an undercover police officer – but he also sees that if he reveals her identity, she’ll be killed, so instead he ends the meeting without uncovering her.
Later that day, Rachel comes and finds Vasily and asks who he is – and he reveals that he knows who she is. She takes him home with her and offers him protection from the criminal gang, and introduces Vasily to her daughter, Hayley.Vasily tells them both where he’s come from and what has been happening in his home country, and they offer to help however they can.
The next day Vasily travels to London with Hayley to recover the smuggled information that his father sent ahead of them – but they are caught by government soldiers.They manage to escape – just – but know that they’re in danger and that people are looking for them.
Back at home, they find the house is empty and realise that Rachel is missing and has been taken – there’s a traitor working within the police force who is also running the organised crime gang.
They begin looking for her, and surveilling other gang members leads them to a warehouse near the docks.
At this point in the narrative the two timelines have almost converged – in the “Before” timeline,Vasily and his father have reached Calais and are attempting to board a boat that will take them to England (where the “After” timeline begins).

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