Page 118 - NT 2022 Almanac
P. 118

     3 Tell stories and sing songs by the fire
Once you have had enough to eat, enjoy the warmth of the fire and the way the flames flicker and make shadows. It’s just the right atmosphere for having a good singalong. Or maybe, if you’re feeling brave, you could get someone to tell ghost stories! Always make sure that you put out the fire completely when you are finished by pouring water over the embers. Never light a fire during periods of very dry weather as it could get out of control.
4 Play torchlight tag
If you’re getting a bit chilly, a game of tag will warm you up. Make sure you all have torches so that you don’t trip over anything. It’s fun to chase each other’s torchlight in the dark!
5 Look at the stars
Before you crawl into your snug sleeping bag, look up at the night sky. You will know quite a lot about the constellations by now, so see if you can spot any of the ones you have learnt about in this book.

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