Page 150 - NT 2022 Almanac
P. 150

          In some parts of the country, 4th November is known as Mischief Night. People play tricks on one another, mainly by hiding belongings or putting them in the wrong place!
Why is November Called November?
The word ‘November’ comes from the Latin word for the number nine, novem. This is because, just like September and October before it, November keeps its name from a time when the calendar had only 10 months.
The Anglo-Saxons called this month Blotmonath, which means ‘blood month’. This is because it was traditional at this time of year to kill farm animals and preserve the meat for the winter months ahead.
Phases of the Moon in November 2022
First Quarter Full Moon Last Quarter
1st November 8th November 16th November
     New Moon
23rd November
First Quarter
30th November

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