Page 167 - NT 2022 Almanac
P. 167

    While we humans are busy huddling by the fire and staying warm and cosy, nature carries on working. If you have had enough of being stuck indoors, get your family out on a nature walk. Wrap up warm and keep your eyes peeled. It might be winter, but there’s still lots to see!
Robins are very busy at this time of year singing to protect their territories and finding food.
Listen out as the sun goes down and
you might hear tawny owls calling to one another. The female calls out, “Too-wit,” and the male answers her, “Too-whoo!”
Go for a walk around a river estuary. Birds
flock to these places in the winter as the water
does not freeze so there is always a lot of food
to be found. You might even see a kingfisher or an otter.
Foxes are out hunting in the early evening. They can often be seen slinking into hedges or scurrying down driveways just after the sun has set.
Go for a walk
by the sea. This is a great time of
year to search the empty beaches
for treasures – strange twisted lumps of driftwood, shells, pebbles and seed pods can all be
used to make beautiful decorations.
Walk in the woods, too! Collect holly and ivy and pine cones and twigs
and then come home and have fun making natural decorations for the house.

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