Page 189 - NT 2022 Almanac
P. 189

 Jewish people Someone who follows the religion of Judaism and believes in God, the Hebrew prophets and the teachings of the Torah
Lammas A pagan celebration of the first harvest
Last quarter Three quarters of the way through the moon’s cycle, when we can see exactly half of the moon’s face
Lent A Christian period of fasting in the run-up to Easter
LGBT+ Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender plus any other sexual and gender identities
Litha The Anglo-Saxon word for midsummer
Lohri A Punjabi midwinter festival celebrated by Sikhs and Hindus
Lughnasadh A Gaelic festival celebrating the beginning of the harvest season
Maia The Greek goddess of fertility May Day The first day of May,
celebrated by dancing and singing Mecca The holiest city of Islam
Meteor A fiery streak in the sky, created when dust and rocks from the tail of a comet pass through the Earth’s atmosphere
Michaelmas A Christian festival held at the end of September to honour the angels
Midsummer The longest day and the shortest night of the year, also known as the summer solstice
Midwinter The shortest day and the longest night of the year, also known as the winter solstice
Migrate To move from one place to another
Mosque The Islamic place of worship Muhammad The Muslim Prophet and
founder of Islam
Muslim Someone who follows the religion of Islam and believes in Allah, the Prophet Muhammad, the five pillars of Islam and the teachings of the Qur’an
Natural remedy A medicine made using ingredients from nature
Neap tide A tide that happens twice a month, when the difference between high tide and low tide is at its lowest
New moon The first phase in the moon’s cycle, when just a very thin crescent shape is visible at night
New Year’s Honours The titles given to people by the Queen at New Year
Nymph The young, or larva, of some insects such as dragonflies
Old Testament The first part of the Bible, originally written in Hebrew
Ostara A pagan festival which is celebrated at the spring equinox
Pagan A follower of paganism, a pre-Christian religion, who believes in many gods and goddesses
Passover A Jewish celebration to remember how Moses helped the Israelites escape from Egypt
Pentecost A Christian festival on the seventh Sunday after Easter,
to celebrate the day after his death when Jesus returned to his disciples in the form of the Holy Spirit

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