Page 190 - NT 2022 Almanac
P. 190
Promised Land The land that Jewish people believe was given by God to Abraham and his descendants
Purification The process of making something or someone clean
Purim A Jewish holiday in memory of when the Jewish people were saved from a cruel man called Haman
Qur’an The Islamic holy book
Raksha Bandhan A Hindu festival that celebrates the relationship between brothers and sisters
Ramadan A month when Muslims hold a fast during the hours of daylight to become closer to Allah, and to remember the time that the Qur’an was first revealed to the Prophet Muhammad
Resolution A decision to do, or not do something
Samhain Eve A pagan festival for giving thanks at the end of the harvest
Sea Sunday The day when Christians pray for sailors and their families
Shavuot A Jewish holiday to remember the day that God gave Moses the Torah
Shrove Tuesday The day before the Christian period of fasting called Lent begins, also known as ‘Pancake Day’
Sikh Someone who follows the religion of Sikhism and believes in the writings and teachings of the Ten Sikh Gurus
Spring tide A tide just after a new or full moon, when the difference between high tide and low tide is at its highest
Sterilised Completely clean and free from germs. You can sterilise jam jars by washing them in hot, soapy water, or by heating them in the oven at 130°C for 20 minutes (ask an adult to help you)
Swan Upping An annual ceremony in which mute swans are taken from the River Thames to be counted and marked to identify them, before being released
Synagogue The Jewish place of worship
Ten Commandments A list of laws or rules that Christians and Jewish people follow that they believe were given by God to Moses
Tide The rising and falling of the sea
Torah The Jewish holy book
Trooping the colour A ceremony performed to celebrate the Queen’s birthday
Tu B’Shevat Jewish New Year, also known as the ‘New Year for Trees’
Twelfth Night A festival some Christians celebrate to mark the coming of the Epiphany
Wassailing A pagan tradition of blessing the apple trees in the new year
Whitsun Another name for the Christian festival of Pentecost
Yom Kippur A Jewish holiday for saying sorry for things you have done wrong and asking for forgiveness
Yule A pagan festival held in midwinter to celebrate the winter solstice