Page 191 - NT 2022 Almanac
P. 191

Bark rubbing 89 Beetle detective 154–155 Caterpillar hunt 70–71
Colours of nature 158–159
Conkers 130 Dam-building 44 Name that minibeast 100–101 Winter senses 18
Addai-Sebo, Akyaaba 141
Advent 146, 151, 167 All Saints’ Day 146 All Saints’ Eve/All Hallows’ Eve 132, 137 All Souls’ Day 146 Allah 38, 94 Andromeda 79 Anemone 113
Angel Gabriel 38 Animals
Badger 13, 31, 116, 127
Beaver 44
Deer 93, 127
Dog 60, 73, 127 Fox 13, 31, 116, 127, 166
Hare 42 Hedgehog 127, 148 Mouse 127
Otter 127, 166 Rabbit 127
Seals 157
Shrew 127 Squirrel 12, 13, 126, 127, 162
Animal prints 23, 126–127
Apple Day 132, 142 April Fool’s Day 48, 52
Armistice Day 146, 150
Ascension Day 62, 67 Ash Wednesday 34 Auld Lang Syne
170, 171
Autumn equinox 118 Backswimmer 45 Bank holidays 62, 76, 104
Barrow, Jocelyn 7 Battle of the Boyne 90
Bees 64, 68, 82, 98 Beetles 101, 154–155
7-spot ladybird 155
Cockchafer 155 Devil’s coach- horse 155 Great diving beetle 101 Green tiger beetle 155
Oil beetle 155 Stag beetle 155 Violet ground beetle 155 Whirligig beetle 101
Bell, Alexander Graham 35 Beltane 62, 66 Bible 67, 80, 94,173 Big Garden Birdwatch 15
Biko, Steve 119 Birds 8, 12, 15, 18, 32, 33, 43, 57, 61, 64, 74, 75, 116, 126–127, 144, 162, 166
Blackbird 15 Blackcap 43 Blue tit 12, 15 Chaffinch 43 Coal tit 12, 15 Cormorant 16 Crow 127 Cuckoo 61 Curlew 16 Cygnet 74 Duck 127 Duckling 74 Gannet 16 Goldfinch 15 ,64 Gosling 74
Great tit 15 House martin 61 House sparrow 15 Kingfisher 45, 74, 166
Lapwing 43, 72 Long-tailed tit 15 Magpie 15 Moorhen 74
Owl 13, 31, 116, 162, 166 Oystercatcher 16 Pigeon 127 Redshank 16 Robin 15, 166 Rock pipit 16 Sand martin 43 Sandwich tern 43 Shag 16
Skylark 43 Starling 15 Swallow 61
Swan 99, 121, 127 Swift 61 Turnstone 16 Wheatear 43 Wood pigeon 15, 61
Wren 15
Birth flower 106 Birth signs
Aquarius 23 Cancer 79 Capricorn 163 Gemini 79 Leo 107
Libra 135 Pisces 23 Sagittarius 163 Scorpio 135 Virgo 107
Birthstone 106 Bi-valve mollusc 100 Black History Month 140–141
Bloodworm midge larva 101
Boat 74, 99, 112 Bonfire 11, 84, 108, 146, 148, 150 Boothroyd, Betty 49
Bowie, David 7 Boxing Day 160 Brontë, Emily 120 Brooke, Rupert 105 Burns, Robert 11, 171 Burns Night 6, 11 Butterflies 64, 70–71 Cadbury, George 133 Caesar, Augustus 106
Caesar, Julius 93, 96, 106
Campfire 116 Camping 83, 116–117 Candlemas 20, 26 Carter, Howard 147 Caterpillars 70 Champollion, Jean- François 119 Chinese New Year 20, 24
Christmas 26, 28, 78, 151, 152, 160, 162, 163, 165, 167, 168–169, 170, 172, 173
Cloud formations 29 Coleridge, Sara 8 Constellations
Canis Major/ Great Dog 30 Cassiopeia 79 Cygnus/Northern Cross 121
Orion/ Hunter 29 Pegasus 107 Taurus 148
Ursa Major/Great Bear 37
Countryside code 72–23
Crabs 97, 113 Daffodil Day 51 Dam 44
Dawn chorus 43, 61, 162
Daylight saving 34, 132, 145
Dickens, Charles
21, 36
Diwali 10, 132, 136 Driftwood 17, 44, 166

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