Page 27 - NT 2022 Almanac
P. 27

2nd February
 2nd February
Imbolc (pronounced ‘imulk’) is a pagan festival. Its name comes from the Celtic
word imbolg which means
‘in the belly’. This is because
nature seems to be expecting
lots of babies at this time of year – baby animals, baby trees, baby flowers and fruit and vegetables.
Everything is hidden away at the moment, but that doesn’t mean nothing is happening deep in the cold, dark ground – or inside
pregnant animals! To celebrate, people sometimes make dolls from
corn called ‘Bridey dolls’ which are said to bring good luck.
Candlemas is a Christian festival. It celebrates the day that the baby Jesus was taken to the temple for the first time. The festival always takes place on 2nd February and marks the end of the Christmas season. At Ripon Cathedral in Yorkshire, people celebrate by lighting 5,000 candles to symbolise Jesus bringing light into the darkness
of the world.
14th February St Valentine’s Day
St Valentine’s Day is an ancient tradition. Today, it’s seen as a day to celebrate love. People send cards and flowers (particularly red roses), chocolates and other gifts. In some parts of Norfolk and Suffolk there is an old custom of leaving presents on people’s doorsteps on St Valentine’s Eve, the night before St Valentine’s Day.

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