Page 29 - NT 2022 Almanac
P. 29

           Christmas cards often have snowy scenes on them, but actually we hardly ever have snow in December in Britain. It is more likely that you will see snow in February. There’s nothing like wrapping up warm and running outside to make footprints in the freshly fallen snow.
If you’re lucky enough to get lots of
snow, you could build a snow castle.
Make sure you are wearing warm
clothes and waterproof gloves. Make
your castle in the same way that you
would make a sandcastle – you can pack mounds of snow together with your hands or if you have buckets and spades left over from your summer holiday, you could use them! Make lots of ‘turrets’ using the buckets or mounds and then join them together with low snow ‘walls’. You could make flags with sticks and pieces of paper or strips of old cloth, which you could decorate. Or you could look for stones or interestingly shaped twigs to make patterns on the walls and turrets of your castle.

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