Page 38 - NT 2022 Almanac
P. 38
Phases of the Moon in March 2022
New Moon First Quarter Full Moon Last Quarter
2nd March 10th March 18th March 25th March
Spring Equinox
20th March is the spring equinox. This is one of the days in the year in which the number of hours of daylight is exactly equal to the number of hours of darkness. This happens because the rays of the sun are shining straight at the equator (the middle of the Earth).
Constellation of the Month
Ursa Major can be seen to the north at this time of year. Its name is Latin for ‘Great Bear’. The Romans had a story that a beautiful woman called Callisto was transformed into a bear by the goddess Artemis and thrown up into the stars. The seven brightest stars
of this constellation form a saucepan shape often known as the ‘Plough’ or the ‘Big Dipper’.