Page 40 - NT 2022 Almanac
P. 40

     18th March Holi
Holi is a Hindu festival also known as the ‘festival of colours’
or the ‘festival of love’, when Hindus celebrate the
victory of good
over evil and the
arrival of spring.
They meet to play
and laugh, forget and
forgive, and make up
with people they have
fallen out with! Holi lasts for a night and a day, starting on the evening of the Purnima (full moon day). People light bonfires and pray that evil will be destroyed. Then they smear each other with coloured paints and drench each other using water pistols and water-filled balloons!
20th March Ostara
Ostara is a pagan festival which is celebrated at the spring equinox. For pagans, it’s a time of year when everything in the natural world is in perfect balance because the day and the night are the same length. The festival takes its name from Ostara or Ēostre, the goddess of renewal and rebirth, who has the head of a hare.
27th March Mother’s Day
Mother’s Day (or Mothering Sunday)
always falls on the fourth Sunday
in Lent, three weeks before Easter
Day. It was originally a Christian
festival, and it has now become a day for people to say thank you to their mothers or carers. Why not make a card or promise jar (p. 40) to show your mother or carer how much they mean to you?

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