Page 57 - NT 2022 Almanac
P. 57

    Make an Egghead
This is a fun indoor gardening activity – and you can eat the results! Use the larger part of any egg shells saved from after you’ve had boiled eggs or after you’ve used some eggs for baking.
 You will need:
Empty eggshells Empty egg box Felt-tip pens Cotton wool Cress seeds
1 Wash out the eggshells and sit them in the egg box.
2 Draw on some crazy faces with the felt-tip pens.
If you don’t want to make edible eggheads, you can use grass seed
instead of cress. The grass will grow back so you can
style your eggheads’ hair again and again.
    3 Put some cotton wool inside the shells and sprinkle some water on to make it damp.
4 Sprinkle lots of cress seeds all over the wet cotton wool – the more seeds you pour in, the more ‘hair’ your eggheads will grow!
5 Put the box of eggheads on a sunny windowsill and wait for the ‘hair’ to sprout.
6 Check the cotton wool each day and add a little water if the cotton wool feels dry when you touch it. Do not over-water the cress.
7 When the cress ‘hair’ has grown, you can give your eggheads a haircut! Use scissors to cut the cress and add it to chopped-up boiled eggs and mayonnaise for a tasty sandwich filling.
8 When you’re finished with your eggheads, you can put them in the compost.

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