Page 84 - NT 2022 Almanac
P. 84

       5th June Pentecost or Whitsun
Pentecost or Whitsun is the seventh Sunday after Easter. On this day, Christians remember that God sent the Holy Spirit to be with the followers of Jesus. In the north-west of England some churches and chapels still hold ‘Whit walks’ – parades that include brass bands, choirs and girls dressed in white.
19th June Father’s Day
Father’s Day is a day to remember dads, and also grandfathers or other male relatives or carers who are special people in
our lives. You could plan a camping
trip with your relative or carer for a night. You don’t have
to go anywhere special –
you could just camp in
the garden. Or if it’s raining, choose your favourite film to watch together.

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