Page 3 - SAMPLE Looking for Emily
P. 3

 With the help of her two new friends, Sam and Jay,
Lily decides to investigate – they are determined to solve the mystery and find out who Emily was, why she disappeared, and who has created the hidden museum.
The story is told from two perspectives – Lily’s narrative is interspersed with chapters telling the story of Emily as a young girl, who, we learn, lived in Edge years ago. Through the “Emily” chapters we learn that she lived with her older sister, Caitlyn, that their mother has recently disappeared, and that Emily is worried that
a strange, mysterious man appears to be threatening Caitlyn and seems to be following her.
In the present day, one of the objects on display in the museum – an old book with a library card – give Lily, Sam and Jay their first lead, and Sam and Jay take Lily to Edge’s library, where, with the permission of the librarian, Ms Bright, they begin to comb through old town records, looking for clues and any mention of someone who might fit the description of the missing Emily.
Eventually they find a record of the family, and learn that Emily and Caitlyn’s mother was reported to have drowned.
Lily, Sam and Jay continue to search through the museum’s collection, looking for any further information about Emily, and discover two more potential clues: a hidden note reading “X marks the spot”, and a roll of old camera film, which they decide to develop.They spot something odd in one of the photos – the face of a man who they recognise.A man who’d spoken to them only

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