Page 4 - SAMPLE Looking for Emily
P. 4

 hours earlier, on the beach.
Lily, Sam and Jay return to the library, where they find that the room that they had been using to research Emily has been ransacked – papers have been torn, the photograph of the man has been taken, and a map that Jay has drawn of the town appears to have been slashed with a knife.
The next day, Lily is confronted by the man from the photograph, who introduces himself as Horace Snyde, and reveals that he knows what they are investigating and wants to know where Emily is.And when Lily gets home, she learns the meaning of the mystery clue,“X marks the spot” – the “X” refers to the large engraved compass in the middle of the crossroad in the centre of Edge. She goes with Sam and Jay to investigate and they notice a tiny heart scratched above the “E” for “East” on the compass.They head East, to the seafront, but all they can find are some strange dedications on the plaques of some benches by the beach.
They head back to the museum when suddenly they hear someone else inside.Worried that it might be Snyde, they hide – only to discover that the new arrival is Ms Bright, the librarian – who shows them an invitation that she has received to the museum... and tells them that she is Emily.
In an Emily chapter flashback, Caitlyn finally explains to her sister who Snyde is – he is a distant relative of theirs, and is convinced that they are in possession of a priceless diamond which is the subject of a family

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