Page 17 - SYTYGIB Prehistoric Times
P. 17
Jewellery in the Iron Age was wElL BlInG! They had gold all over the shop, with amazing designs that included spirals and swirls and mythical beasts. One of their fave accessories was the torc, which was a thick neck-ring. Bracelets, brooches and pins for clothing were also ultra-trendy for the Iron Ager who wanted to make a fashion statement.
If you want a snack, just rummage around in my moustache to see what you can find.
Ummm, we´re suddenly not hungry anymore.
Also, your dad or grandad might well have a had an impressive moustache, although it could get in the way a bit. Old Diodorus commented, “When they are eating the moustache becomes entangled in the food, and when they are drinking the drink passes, as it were, through a sort of strainer.”
Ummmm, nice work there, Dad. You appear to have a sausage, two chicken nuggets and a blob of mint choc chip ice cream stuck in your ’tache!
When it came to hair, women tended to have far fewer moustaches than men, but what they DiD have was long plaited locks and accessories like fine combs made of bone. pLeAsE don’t take that as a suggestion for something you can do with stinky old fish bones. It’s not the same. Trust us.
So there you have it. If you think YoU’vE GoT iT BaD because you don’t have a BiLlIoN pairs of trainers to choose from and mummy and daddy StIlL haven’t coughed up £1,000 for that pair of electrically heated pants, at least your shoes aren’t made of mammoth bits and your underwear doesn’t give you a horrible scratchy BuM rAsH!
clothes and hairstyles