Page 18 - SYTYGIB Prehistoric Times
P. 18
The Home
Do you often have a major CRINGE-FEST about how your home smells?
There’s a rich aroma of something that stinks of blue cheese and bad dreams. That’s right – it’s Dad’s SoCkS.
Or what about your brother’s legendary NuClEaR-sTrEnGtH bOtToM BuRpS? Hang on. What’s that reek? Oh, it’s only Mum trying out her new
organic hair dye made from LuMpY mIlK and gherkin juice.
Well if you think you’ve got it bad, at least your
house isn’t made from sMeLlY dEaD tHiNgS.
If you lived in Stone Age times your bedroom could have been made from something like deerskin stretched over some wooden poles. When we say bedroom, we mean the whole house. And when we say house, we mean a tent made from a dead deer and some sticks.
Where should I hang my mammoth-skin cape?
This meant the Stone Agers’ home could be moved from place to place as these nomadic people travelled far and wide to hunt or gather food. They could even leave the wooden poles and just take the skin covering, so they could travel light and return to that camp at a later date.
Just pop it on those antlers.