Page 26 - SYTYGIB Prehistoric Times
P. 26

 As iron became more widely used, education began to change, too. While kids would still learn many skills and trades from their parents, new ways of learning were introduced.
For example, instead of staying with their families, it was claimed by the Roman general and emperor, Julius Caesar, that children would be sent away to learn special skills from mYsTeRiOuS people like the Druids.
A Druid is imagined to be a member of an elite class of priests or wise men in Celtic cultures. Very little is known about them because they didn't write down their knowledge. The only source of info about them was from Caesar and writers from the 18th Century, which means it's hard to tell what's true and what was made up. So if you're reading this and you're a Druid, please do get in touch and spill the beans. Thanks!
 Children were made to learn their history, family connections, stories and verses by heart. This didn’t mean reciting some FuNnY PoEmS to make their pals giggle – we’re talking super-long epic poems that would make your poor little brain go PoP. On the good side, it saved them having to write it all down.
There was a young Druid from Wales, who ate creepy crawlies and snails . . .
That is NOT the kind of poem I was talking about!

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