Page 28 - SYTYGIB Prehistoric Times
P. 28

 If you think things got better in the Bronze Age, then write yourself a letter telling yourself to get a grip. oF cOuRsE they didn’t!
Once again, when it came to squeezing into horribly small, dark copper mines, it was probably the kids who drew the short straw. It’s your own fault. If you kids were 2 metres tall, it would NeVeR have happened!
When it came to work, prehistoric kids properly
had it TOUGH!
For instance, flint was one of the most important types of stone in the Stone Age,
used for most of their tools and weapons. But it didn’t just grow on trees – which would have been really strange. It had to be brought out of
the ground.
Only problem was, very deep down in the mines, the tunnels and holes got vErY tight. And if an adult
couldn’t fit in them, who was small enough to do it? Hint: it wasn’t mice with shovels.
That’s right, peeps – kids had to go down into the pitch black, dangerous mines to burrow away like moles, searching for flint.
Try to remember that next time you feel like letting out the WhInE oF ThE CeNtUrY because your parents just asked you to tidy up the mouldy cereal bowls from under your bed.

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