Page 31 - SYTYGIB Prehistoric Times
P. 31

People in the Stone Age were known as ‘hunter-gatherers’, which means they hunted for their meat and fish, but they also collected their fruit, nuts and herbs.
And before you ask, hunting
for a burger joint and then gathering a QuAdRuPlE cHeEsY MoNsTeR bUrGeR from the drive-through does NoT qualify you as a hunter-gatherer.
  If you were a kid in those days, you'd probably be helping out with the gathering side of things while your parents and their mates went off looking for BiG HaIrY tHiNgS to chuck spears or arrows at. The hunters had to walk long distances and wait quietly for the animals – kids asking “Are we nearly there yet?” and noisy squabbles about games of ‘I spy’ would have scared the animals and made the hunters cross.
That’s good from the point of view of not getting a tusk where you least want it, but also because the things that were gathered provided the bulk of the nutrition in the Stone Age diet, so kids
helped carry out a vErY important job.
Hooray! You hunted down the terrifying, dangerous, errr, blackberry.
I´ve no idea what they are, but they look YUMMY!
Plants that would have been eaten in prehistoric times may have included chickweed, cow parsley, pignut, stinging nettle, dandelion and buttercups. Try offering your classmates a bite of your pignut and stinging nettle sandwich at breaktime and see what happens. We dare you . . .

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