Page 33 - SYTYGIB Prehistoric Times
P. 33
Birds were also popular as they were available all year round and could be caught in nets. Kind of like fishing, but drier and with slightly more feathers.
Plants and grains were a huge part of the Bronze Age diet. Porridge-type foods and barley in particular was a big deal. You’d probably end up eating so much porridge that whenever you cried, little pOrRiDgY TeArS would ooze down your cheeks and pLoP onto the ground where they’d be eaten by mice.
What about drink? Fancy a nice can of cola? Well, too bad – you can have this delicious gLoOpY, thick beer, which is more like a thin porridge (yes, that again). All the family would drink it – even the children!
I´m starting to think this should be called the Porridge Age.
Once you’ve recovered from being sIcK, we can move on to the Iron Age . . . 31
When a body is preserved in ice or a bog, the contents of a stomach can survive. A Bronze Age man named Ötzi, whose frozen body was found in an Alpine glacier, was found to have eaten goat meat for his last meal. Obviously, his local pizza parlour must have been closed that day.