Page 36 - SYTYGIB Prehistoric Times
P. 36
Health and medicine
There’s nothing worse than getting a really annoying cold, is there?
Ok, being eaten by an evil pigeon or accidentally falling into a paddling
pool full of cow dung is worse, but you know what we mean.
One minute you’re as right as rain, the next your throat feels like you’ve been gargling with drawing pins, there’s a waterfall of green stuff flowing out of your nose and you sneeze so hard your brain shoots out of your bottom.
It’s sO AwFuL! You’ll definitely have to stay off school for at least a year. But if you think YoU’vE GoT iT BaD, at least nobody tries
At least I have somewhere to keep my apple now.
to drill holes in your head to make you feel better.
Back in ancient times it seems people were occasionally subjected to tRePaNnInG – a surgical procedure during which a hOlE is cut or drilled in the skull.
Now, that might sound a bit extreme and painful . . .
and you’re right. It WaS. Or at least it must have been, considering
there were no modern surgical tools or, even worse, anaesthetic to ease the pain.
This procedure might have been carried out to treat epilepsy (where people have seizures) and ease headaches, although drilling a hole in your skull to sort out a headache sounds a bit like cutting your leg off to deal with an ItChY ToE. Back in those days, it’s likely they thought making a hole in the head would release eViL SpIrItS that were causing the problems.
I´m not sure this will catch on.