Page 47 - SYTYGIB Prehistoric Times
P. 47

He sounds like a proper little bRaT! He should have been sent to his bedroom without any porridge rather than being given a nice sword by the king.
Mind you, given how he looked, not many people would have wanted to upset little Cú Chulainn.
Loving the hair, Cu´ !
  Yeah, just been down the salon for some new tints.
Errr, it’s OK. You can have the nice shiny weapons, Mr Chulainn. Please just stop that weird body-rotating, eye-popping thing while we run away and hide behind a bush.
According to the legend he had triple- coloured hair, seven pupils in each eye and when he got annoyed one of his eyes bUlGeD out while the other sank into his cheek. Oh, and his body RoTaTeD inside his skin.
  Myths and legends

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