Page 46 - SYTYGIB Prehistoric Times
P. 46

Myths and legends
Hey! You! Stop wiping that under the table and PAY ATTENTION. You like stories, don’t you?
There’s the one your mum tells about how she met that famous band when they were just starting out and they asked her to be their singer but she said nO because she, like, couldn’t be bothered, but she totally could have been fAmOuS if she’d wanted to.
Or there’s your grandad’s yarn about how, when he was your age, he once ate 37 ChIcKeN AnD GrAvY pIeS in a row and was pronounced the village Pie King and had a crown made of pAsTrY!
These tales might be so tall that there’s sNoW on the top of them, but if you think YoU’vE GoT iT BaD, you should hear some of the whoppers kids from the past may have been told!
While there’s no way to know what stories were going around way back in deep history, the myths and legends that may have been told by Celts are better known. That’s because around 1,500 years ago, hundreds of years after the Iron Age and after the Romans had eventually skedaddled, monks in places like Ireland and Wales decided to write down stories
that were still told of Celtic gods, goddesses, heroes and MaGiC.
  One Irish hero called Cú Chulainn, was the son of a god and a mortal. When he was just five years old, he defeated an enemy force of 50 warriors and while he was still a little lad, he demanded weapons from a king, but cOmPlEtElY DeStRoYeD 15 sets before choosing the king’s own set of arms for himself.

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