Page 48 - SYTYGIB Prehistoric Times
P. 48
Someone who was slightly less, what can we say, TERRIFYING, was Blodeuwedd, a character from Welsh Celtic legend.
She was created from different types of flowers by two magicians, Math and Gwydion.
That sounds all lovely, but her story was pretty grim. After trying to make her husband be on the wrong side of alive (it involved a bath, a gOaT and a spear – don’t ask), she was cursed and transformed
into an owl, condemned to hunt alone at night for all time and ignored by the other birds.
Did you see that new owl that just moved into the forest?
Yeah, I´m not talking to her – there´s something a bit cursey about her.
So if you want to avoid becoming a lonely owl you’d better behave yourself or you’ll feel like a right twit-twoo.