Page 51 - SYTYGIB Prehistoric Times
P. 51
A less horrible Celtic legend concerned a young chap called Oenghus who had a dream about a beautiful girl who he fell in love with. When he woke up, he set out to find her.
Are you a magical Celtic shape-shifter?
The determined fellow tracked her down living by a lake. Her name was Caer Ibormeith, and she was under a SpElL that meant every other year she was transformed into a sWaN, which was a bit inconvenient. Her dad also said poor Oenghus wasn’t allowed to marry her. Double bad luck!
No, I´m a swan.
That´s disappointing.
Hey kid – if a talking swan doesn´t impress you, you´re seriously hard to please!
So Oenghus waited until she had become a swan, then called on her. When she flapped over to see what all the fuss
was about, he turned himself into a swan and off they flew. Just to be on the safe side they sang a spell, so that everyone below fell asleep and they could escape.
So next time you see a pair of swans eating a bit of bread at the boating pond, perhaps it could be Oenghus and Caer Ibormeith. But let’s face it, it probably isn’t.
After all that, your relatives’ tall tales seem positively tAmE. We’d give them 2/10 for imagination. Must try harder. Try adding a magic cauldron or two.
In the Celtic tales of Brittany, in France, the Bugul Noz (great name or what?!) is a fairy who lives in the woods and is SO outrageously ugly that even woodland animals avoid him. Poor Bugul Noz! What you look like isn't important, Bugul. Don't pay any attention to those rotten squirrels, badgers and hedgehogs!
Myths and legends