Page 53 - SYTYGIB Prehistoric Times
P. 53
It’s very hard to know what children did for fun in the Stone Age. No toys have survived, no skateboards carved out of rock, no radio- controlled mammoths. But it’s certain that when they weren’t helping with gathering food and the like, they would have been acting just like you do when you’re let loose in the natural world with no mobile phones or tablets
– running around, hiding, chasing each other, play fighting, climbing trees, swimming in rivers and lakes and all that really good fun stuff.
Wait a minute . . . the Stone Age sounds GrEaT! Oh, hang on. You’ve just been eaten by a giant hyaena. Never mind.
Fancy a game of football?
Is the ball made from a rock again?
Yes, it is.
Think I´ll give it a miss, thanks.
Fun and games