Page 52 - SYTYGIB Prehistoric Times
P. 52

 Fun and games
It’s the stuff of your worst nightmares. You’re just about to finish the final level of your favourite EVER video game, Stinkles the Weasel and the Bagpipes of Doom, when there’s a power cut. Lights out. Console OFF!
When the electricity finally comes back on and you check your console, all of your progress has been lost. In fact, the WhOlE gAmE has gone back to the very start. And you’ve been playing it since you were TwO! gAaAgGgHhH!
But if you think YoU’vE GoT iT BaD, at least you hAvE electricity to play cool games with. If you were a kid back in ancient times, you’d probably have been playing an exciting game of throwing a couple of dIcE around. And no, they weren’t electric dice.
Such a pair of small dice were found in the Neolithic village of Skara Brae on the Scottish island of Orkney. They would have been in use around 5,000 years ago – that’s a really long time to wait for your next turn!
After a hard day's work, it must have been relaxing for families to chill out by throwing two dice around. It’s likely they took turns to see who got the highest score.
If you think Stone Age dice might be made of stone, you’re all kinds of wrong. They were made of bOnE! That’s like having a games console made of teeth or something – which we seriously hope you DoN’T!
What´s wrong?
My games console just bit me!

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