Page 14 - TheBodyBook
P. 14
1. Brain
2. Spinal cord
3. Nerves 1
You see, hear, smell, taste and touch to find out what’s happening in the world. These are your five senses.
Making sense
You hear things with your ears. A structure like a tiny drum inside your ear vibrates when you hear
a sound. This is turned into a message and sent to your brain.
You taste things with your tongue. It is covered in little bumps which can pick up sweet, sour, salty and bitter flavours.
Ear drum Bitter
You smell things with your nose. If you
can smell food, your brain might tell your stomach it’s hungry.
Smells go up your nostrils
You see things with your eyes. An eyeball is slightly smaller than a ping-pong ball and the dark spot in the middle is called a pupil.
You feel things with your skin. Under your skin you have lots of sensitive nerve endings. They tell your brain whether something feels hot or cold, hard or soft, spiky or smooth.