Page 110 - نماذج عالمية للتعليم المجتمعي
P. 110

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                                                                                                              ???? ?????)126 .??

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                                                 ???????? :?????? ???????? ?????? ???????? ??????? ?? ??????:??

??-1?????? ????? ??????? ??????? ?:)127(Rural Community Schools??

  ???? ?? ?????? ?? ??? ???? ? ???? ???? ???? ???? ????? ?? ??????? ???? ?????? ??????? ?? ????? ?? ???? ??? ?? ???
??? ? ?? ??? ?????? ?????? ??????? ?? ? ?? ? ???? ? ????? ?? ????? ????? ?? ? ???? ??? ???? ? )14-6????? ?? ? ???
????? ??? ?? ???? ??? ?????? ??? ? ? ? ? ???? ?? ? ? ? ????? ?? )? (Village Education Committees-VECS???????
????? ? ?? ? ??? ????? ?? ?? ?? ????? ??? ??? ? ???? ???? ?? ?????? ?? ? ???? ??? ???? ? ? ?? ???? ? ??????

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??(126) Sherman, J.D& Poirier, J.M(2007): Educational Equity and Public Policy, Comparing??

   ??Results from 16 Countries, Unesco, Institute for Statistics, Montreal Uis Working Paper??

??(127) Mukherjee. D(2011): "Reducing out – of School Children In India, National University??

   ??of Educational Planning and Administration, P.P.178-179.??
??(128) Sherman, J.D& Poirier, J.M(2007): Educational Equity and Public Policy, Op.Cit,??

??(129) Jha,p& Parvati,P(2009): The Challenges of Public Finance, Education for All- MID??

   ??Decade Assessment, National University of Educational Planning and Administration??

   ??(NUEPA), New Delhi, Section (No)3, P.P.2-3.??
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