Page 112 - نماذج عالمية للتعليم المجتمعي
P. 112

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                                                 ??? ? ? ??? ?? ?? ???? ?? ?? ? ???? ?? ??? ?????)134 .??

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??? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ???? ?? ???? ?? ?? ? ????? ?? ?? ???? ? ? ?????? ??)135 .??

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??(134) Nalini, J(2001): Primary Education for All In the City of Mumbai, India; The Challenge??

   ??Set by local actors, International Institute for Educational Planning, P.15.??
??(135) Sugata M& et. Al (2008): Effects of Remotoness on the Quality of Education:??

   ??Acasestudy from North Indian School, Australasian Journal of Educational Technology,??

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??(136) Sujatha, k (2002): Education of Indian Scheduled Tribes, A study. Of Community??

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