Page 80 - نماذج عالمية للتعليم المجتمعي
P. 80

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??(27) Vullamy. G, & (1997): “Teacher Identity and Curriculum Chang”: A Comparative??
    ??Case Study Analysis of Small Schools in England and Finland, Comparative Education,??
    ??No. (7), Vol. (33), P. 97.??

??(28) Kalaoja, E. (2004): “Multi-Grade Teaching and Its Innovation in Finland”, Paper??
    ??Presented in Second International Multi-Grade Teaching Conference at Chula Longkom??
    ??University, Bangkok, Thailand, September 8-11.??
                       ?)? (29??? ???????? ?" :)2009???? ?? ?????( ? ?????????"? ??? ??? ?????( ? ??34?? ???? ? ? ? ?.164??

??(30) Mika, V., (2008): “History of Finance Research and Education in Finland”, The First??
    ??Thirty Years, Bank of Finland Research Discussion Papers 18, P. 12.??
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