Page 43 - 2021 - 48.2
P. 43
for this Issue
Advertiser Page No.
Carlson Software .....................................................................34
CFA Land Surveyors ...................................................................4
Diamondback Land Surveying .............................................33
Mentoring Mondays ................................................................11
Monsen Engineering Supply .........................Inside Front Cover
Office Depot .......................................................Inside Rear Cover
US Survey Supply ....................................................................34
Vertical Mapping Resources ...................................................5
Wood Rodgers .......................................................................... 33
Members have spoken and we are listening! To fill the void
Members have spoken and we are listening! To fill the void left by the
left by the ending this past July of the NSPS Radio Hour, the
ending this past July of the NSPS Radio Hour, the weekly radio show
weekly radio show hosted by Executive Director Curt Sumner,
hosted by Executive Director Curt Sumner, we are proud to announce
we are proud to announce our new podcast, “SURVEYOR
our new podcast, “SURVEYOR SAYS!” featuring all things surveying.
SAYS!” featuring all things surveying.