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NALS Board of Directors Meeting
Friday, April 9 , 2021 • Via Zoom Videoconferencing
MOVED by Robert Carrington and SECONDED to accept the
Nevada Association of Land Surveyors (NALS) Board of Directors financial statements. MOTION CARRIED.
meeting held at 10:00 AM on April 9, 2021 via ZOOM video
conferencing. Crissy will be sending information to each Chapter regarding
updating their tax ID number on their bank accounts. Additionally, a
CALL TO ORDER revised financial reporting form will be sent to Chapter Treasurers.
President Justin Moore called the meeting to order at 10:00 AM and
ROLL CALL Report included in agenda.
Justin Moore, President
Robert Carrington, Vice President Nancy Almanzan serves as the NALS Trustee on the NSPS
Bill Kruger, Secretary Foundation Board. Nancy reported that the MOU previously
Nick Ariotti, Treasurer approved by NALS to update the agreement with NSPS for
Greg Phillips, Immediate Past President Foundation was returned with changes by the NSPS Foundation
Crissy Willson, Executive Director attorney. The requested changes do not change the intent of
Todd Enke, Director the MOU. The fund will remain a depleting fund and the criteria
Jason Higgins, Director for use remains flexible beyond just awarding scholarships. It is
Jake Johnson, Director recommended NALS move forward with approving the MOU.
Frank Wittie, Director
MOVED by Robert Carrington and SECONDED to approve the NALS-
Nancy Almanzan, Committee Chair
Paul Burn, Committee Chair NSPS
Trent Keenen, Nevada Traverse Editor & Committee Chair NSPS Director Nancy Almanzan reported the NSPS spring meetings
and Lobby Day will be held virtually.
PRESIDENT’S REPORT A full report will be provided for the next Board meeting.
Report included in the agenda.
President Justin Moore thanked everyone for their support of the Report included in agenda.
Conference which was a great success. With pandemic restrictions
loosening, Justin encouraged Chapters to start transitioning back to The Conference was a great success. There were over 1100
in-person meetings. attendees from 33 states. NALS set a goal of 100 full-paid
attendees and surpassed this goal ending with 106 full-paid.
Justin recognized the extraordinary work of Trent Keenan in Based on our attendance, NALS will receive 12% of the Conference
outreach programs including Mentoring Mondays, development of proceeds.
a career in land surveying website, as well as other media projects.
Trent has independently been paying for these outreach programs. The 2022 Conference will include Arizona, California, Nevada, Utah,
Justin recommended that NALS contribute to these efforts with a and WestFed and will be held in Las Vegas. All western states have
donation to offset costs. been invited and provided a deadline of April 30 to indicate their
MOVED by Robert Carrington and SECONDED to donate $1000
from the outreach budget to Trent Keenan to offset the cost of The 2023 Conference has been confirmed for Silver Legacy.
outreach efforts. MOTION CARRIED.
The July Seminar has been confirmed at the Silver Legacy. Board
Justin challenged NALS Chapters and the NALS Education members should send ideas for program/speakers as soon as
Foundation as well as individual members to donate to the cause. possible.
Report included in agenda. Advanced Education Chair Trent Keenan reported that progress
is being made on development of a minor program at UNLV. The
Executive Director Crissy Willson reported that the NALS CD would credits would transfer to GBC for those wishing to obtain Bachelors
be maturing soon. As interest rates are still low, it is recommended degree.
to roll the funds into a short-term CD.
MOVED by Nick Ariotti and SECONDED to roll the NALS CD into a Report included in agenda.
short-term CD. MOTION CARRIED.
Advanced Education Committee Chair Todd Enke provided FAA 107
drone updates. This information has also been provided to the
The Board reviewed the financial statements as included in the membership. Todd will write a small article for the Nevada Traverse
agenda. regarding these changes.
38 The Nevada Traverse Vol.48, No.2, 2021