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The                              “Far and away, the best prize that life has to offer is the chance to
                                                                work hard at work worth doing.”. – Theodore Roosevelt
                               Editor’s                         Lastly, as a friendly reminder as we start these summer months,
                               Corner                           Staying hydrated is the key to a safe summer for you and me.
                                                                No need to debate. When it’s hot, you must hydrate.
                                                                Get off your feet in the heat, drink water and take a seat.
                               by Trent J. Keenan, PLS
                                                                Don’t leave heat safety in the dust; staying hydrated is a must.
                                                                Let’s look at this edition. We have some great feature articles
        Field Surveyors! Where would our current ecosystem of the   again! You will find a couple of well-written abstracts from
        profession be without you? Outside of writing a short legal   conversations on both Mentoring Mondays and The Geoholics
        description, no project can get completed without you touching   Podcast. There is a discussion about Saving Surveying and what
        the ground first. Field Surveyors are tech-savvy problem solvers   it takes to get people involved and another good one from the
        with love for the outdoors. Land surveyors are detail-oriented   Geoholics podcast on the Concerns of Young Surveyors. There
        individuals able to work in sometimes tricky field situations or   are a couple of insightful reads by Mr. Baca, and lastly,
        conditions. (Las Vegas Heat or Reno Winters). But recently, I   there is an excellent article on Field Notes from a roundtable
        was scrolling through the land surveyor groups on Facebook,   discussion on The Geoholics Podcast. If you are not interested in
        and observing many of the pictures posted got me thinking.    podcasts, I will continue creating the written abstracts for those
        Have you ever wondered how other professions perceive us as   who continue to love the print versions.
        surveyors? What do they and the general public think of when
        “land surveyor” is mentioned? To most people, the image of   Lastly, please send in your comments or articles to me to print
        some sloppy-dressed, tattooed person standing in the middle   what you want to read! Articles are due on August 1  please.
        of the street blocking traffic comes to mind, or we are the guys/  Every man owes a part of his time and money to the business
        girls taking pictures with the camera thingy.           or industry in which he is engaged. No man has the moral right
                                                                to withhold his support from an organization that is striving to
        To overcome this image in the eyes of the people, we work with   improve the conditions within his sphere! – Theodore Roosevelt
        is a big challenge. The surveyors working in the street generally
        do not think of themselves as representing the company’s
        image and the profession. Still, they are the only contact most
        every opportunity to educate people as to what it means to be a  About the Cover...
        people have with the surveying professional. We should take
        land surveyor. We should also keep in mind that working in the
        field involves dressing to deal with the elements, but when we
        need to meet with clients or the public, we need to put our best
        foot forward. Our duty as surveyors is to promote our image     Field
        as competent, intelligent people whose duty is to promote and
        protect the public interest. The rapidly changing technology over   surveyING
        the years has revolutionized the practice of land surveying and
        is molding land surveyors into highly specialized professionals.
        Higher educational requirements and adherence to regulated              e d i t i o n
        standards for our professional services have all contributed
        to the betterment of the profession. As land surveyors, we
        have long known that we are professional. Still, we have come
        to recognize the necessity of presenting ourselves favorably
        to obtain the professional respect we deserve. The personal
        appearance of some Land Surveyors while dealing with clients
        and the business community may unknowingly perpetuate this
        image. Personal appearance plays one of the most significant
        roles in the formation of first impressions. Persons with whom
        we come in contact will form their first opinions based on
        how they see us. Each of them will make decisions concerning
        our character, success, social position, trustworthiness,
        sophistication, and education, based on our appearance. They are
        much more likely to deal professionally with those who fit their
        perceived image of a successful professional. I will say that the
        professional image has changed over the years, and the days of
        the shirt and tie in the field are long gone, but there should still   A composite image of different photos taken from articles throughout this
        be an image of a clean-cut man or woman dressed to impress.   edition of The Nevada Traverse. Photo credit: Jeremy Long (Full Metal Worldwide)
                                                                          Do you have a cover shot you would like to submit?

                                                                                        The Nevada Traverse Vol.48, No.2, 2021 3
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