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The                              to reach those members who can not attend in-person for
                                                                various reasons. It allows us to connect and network to reach
                               President’s                      the masses outside our local areas. NALS state board is here to
                                                                assist our chapters and offer support to make this happen. To
                               Message                          help jump-start this effort, I am proud to announce that NALS is
                                                                planning a 2-day, in-person workshop and golf tournament this
                                                                summer in Reno! Proceeds from this event will be donated to the
                                                                NALS Education Foundation, which in 2020 alone has awarded
                               by Justin Moore, PLS             over $12,000 in scholarship money.  All the details are printed in
                                                                this edition of the Traverse.
        Wow… What a magnificent {7} conference we just wrapped up!!!
        First and foremost, the Nevada Association of Land Surveyors   In closing, a final thought. Every year after our conference, I take
        extends a sincere “THANK YOU” to Crissy Wilson and Dorothy   some time and reflect on what I just learned, ways to improve
        Calegari for yet another amazing conference. It does not matter   myself and the professional services I offer, and how we can
        if the conference is virtual or in-person; these two individuals   positively impact the profession. One way to make a positive
        know how to entertain. Of course, it takes a team to follow   impact is by supporting those individuals and/or programs
        their leadership, and an essential member of that team, Nancy   that make a tangible difference.  One of those individuals/
        Almanzan, also deserves a huge “THANK YOU.” The planning,   programs specifically is Trent Keenan and Mentoring Mondays
        time, and dedication to organize one of these conferences   ( Trent has started from the ground up
        happens months in advance and takes years and years of   a virtual workshop every Monday afternoon that reaches out
        experience for all that preparation to follow through flawlessly.   nationally to our surveying community to offer workshops on
        As a small token of our gratitude, the Nevada Association of Land   business management, field procedures, CAD tips and tricks,
        Surveyors has sent each of these amazing ladies a wonderful   standard updates, and so much more. This venture is sponsored
        wine and gift basket for them to enjoy.                 solely by Trent Keenan, and it’s time for us to step in and show
                                                                Mentoring Mondays how much we appreciate the platform and
        With the conference just wrapped up days ago, we are still   desire its continuation. I have asked for NALS to donate $1,000
        digesting all the knowledge from our workshops, networking   to help offset the existing costs and help the promotion of this
        connections, and further research into all the new and exciting   valuable program. I have also asked our local chapters to make a
        technology introduced to us by our vendors and sponsors.   generous $500 donation each.
        However, we do have some interesting stats to share:
                                                                Additionally, I know this publication reaches the masses on
        Total Attendees = 1,147                                 a national level. So, I offer this CHALLENGE to any and all
        Total full-time attendees = 955                         Associations, Chapters, or Individuals to reach into your wallets
        Total Nevada attendees = 104                            and show your support and dedication to the outreach and
                                                                promotion of our profession. I will start this challenge with a
        Next year the plan and goal is to resume in-person, in Vegas, and   personal donation of $100 to Mentoring Mondays. Who’s next?
        be bigger and better than ever before!
        Committee Chairs have also been busy, but one particular has
        been quite active. Our Legislation Committee, chaired by V.P.   —Justin Moore, PLS, 2021 NALS President
        Robert Carrington, has been tracking and following state bills
        and legislation through this year’s congressional session that
        affects Nevada land surveyors. Any pertinent changes or new
        legislation affecting our members will be distributed through
        email, Traverse articles, and/or newsletters, so keep an eye out
        for that material.

        As we move into the 2  and 3  quarters of 2021, I made it one
        of my presidential goals to transition the association back into
        in-person meetings, workshops, and activities. As the state and
        nation report the decline of covid cases and the state begins to
        loosen its restrictions on gatherings, I would urge our chapters
        to start the conversation amongst your boards to start offering
        in-person meetings and virtually. Moving forward, even past
        this pandemic, I would like the chapters to continue in a hybrid
        platform. I feel that the virtual option provides us the ability

                                                                                        The Nevada Traverse Vol.48, No.2, 2021 5
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