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how much energy they use and how to save energy by
changing when they use it. In addition, collaboration with
energy providers can help large businesses reduce their
energy consumption; especially industrial entities that
use electricity extensively.
6. Enhancementof Human-Computer Interaction
People dislike speaking with an automated system
because sometimes they do not know what to do, as
extended menu options can make it difficult for users
to find what they’relooking for. Becauseof data, service
providers can have faster, more accurate, and more
reliable interactions with customers, making their lives
easier and their service better.
Furthermore, these systems can learn over time,
allowing them to assist customers more quickly while
also lowering the costs of providing customer service
and support. It is advantageous in several ways. First,
voice recognition has dramatically improved as a result
of data and machine learning (ML). Second, many self-
help systems have advanced to the point where they can
predict which services customers require. Computers
will be able to assist people much more quickly and
easily in the future, and the use of data can make this
happen even faster.
The Information Age is still very much alive and well, but
it is getting better all the time. It’s no surprise that “Big
Data” is taking center stage right now, given the rapid
growth of the Internet of Things (IoT). In recent years,
Big Data has had a significant impact on how we live our
personal and professional lives.Wewill continue to seea
substantial shift in how we live as technology advances.