Page 43 - Reclaim YOUR DIGITAL GOLD (with DesignLayout Dec3) (Clickable) (Dexxi-FLIP-Audio)_Neat
P. 43


            nations and individuals became richer, they would buy
            digital gadgets and infrastructure, so bringing an end to
            the digital gap as a logical consequenceof this trend.

            Despite the fact that incomes have increased around
            the globe over the course of the past two decades,
            access to digital services continues to be limited in a
            significant portion of the developingworld. This is often
            the result of insufficient funds being invested in the
            physical infrastructure of the Internet. Citizens may have
            equipment that can connect to the Internet, but they do
            not have a link to the World Wide Web due to a lack of
            or poor infrastructure. The percentage of people who
            have access to the Internet still varies greatly between
            continents: for example, 80 percent of people living in
            Europehad access to the Internet in 2022, whereas only
            22 percent of people living in Africa had access to the
            Internet (World Bank Group,2018).

            These figures, on the other hand, conceal a significant
            amount of variance that exists among countries and
            regions. Even when they are developing in other areas,
            large countries that border oceans typically have
            considerably greater access to the Internet than smaller
            ones that do not. As a result of this, the International
            Telecommunication Union (ITU), which is an agency
            of the United Nations responsible for information
            and communication technologies, began compiling
            statistics on landlocked developing countries and small
            island developing states based on aggregate statistics
            pertaining to the developing world.
            In a similar manner, even within nations that are
            considered to be highly developed, there are significant

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