Page 2 - Lawn & Landscape Guide AL
P. 2

Centipede Grass, St. Augustine, & Zoysia
Mowing: Our warm season lawns are not fully active depending on temperatures and very little should be done in regards to mowing. Remove debris from lawn that could interfere with sunlight and oxygen to and through the plant. (mowing air)
Watering: Occasional watering may be needed this time of the year. 1”-1.5” of precipitation per week is ideal. If below freezing temperatures are in the forecast, it’s best under dry conditions to water your lawn a few days before the freeze to help prevent winterkill. Do NOT water right in front of the freeze as it can crystalize in the plant tissue and cause major plant injury from winter kill.
Pull Soil Analysis: Collect soil throughout the different parts of the lawn to get a good average of your soils Ph. Make sure the soil if free from debris and is gathered from the area of the soil that is 2”-4” deep. Gather enough soil to fill up a container of 2-3 cups. Send off to lab for examination

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