Page 3 - Lawn & Landscape Guide AL
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How to pull a Soil Analysis
Fertilizer: Nitrogen is typically not needed this early in the year. Apply potassium fertilizer based off of soil analysis. Potassium encourages root health and helps the lawn defend winter kill and drought stress.
Add Soil Amendments: Now is a great time to apply you soil amendment based off your soil analysis results. Soil amendments, such as lime or elemental sulfur will usually take several months to breakdown to where it can actually change your soils’ Ph.
Pre-emergent: Apply pre-emergent to prevent weed germination. It is vital to apply pre-
emergents before soil temperatures warm up. You definitely don’t want to be late to this party! *Pre- emergent applications will prevent a wide variety of weeds from germinating. However, it does not prevent all weeds from coming up. See below
Post-emergent: Apply post-emergent herbicides for weeds that are up and active that your pre- emergents did not prevent. (ex: poa annua)
Fire Ants: Fire ant stings are very painful and are no joke! They thrive in warmer temperatures and but they are active 12 months a year. Fire ants search for areas of direct sunlight so your lawn is a perfect fit. Their mounds can develop very quickly especially after rainfall. Broadcasting baits are most effective.