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Gifted and talented educators, researchers, parents, advocates, and
            policymakers encountered unprecedented challenges in 2020, but ultimately

            found innovative solutions to continue to support gifted and talented children
            from all backgrounds. 2020 was truly a year “Reimagined.”

            We have grown in strength and knowledge over the past year, supported by
            our families and each other in the gifted education community. The 2021 68
            Annual Convention & Exhibition will be our opportunity to celebrate our
            resilience—together, our “Rising United.” The celebration of the resilience

            and resourcefulness of the gifted education community in the face of

            3 exciting days of 300+ presenters, 200+ sessions, 1,000s of new ideas and

            engaging networking events. Not to mention, 3 pre-convention in-depth
            sessions sharing researched-based resources and practices for gifted

            coordinators, culturally responsive practices, and serving gifted and talented
            students in rural areas all led by some of the gifted education field's leading
            scholars and practitioners.

            Whether you are looking for the latest in gifted education research and

            practice, state-of-the-art products, publications and resources, or an
            opportunity to network and reconnect with your peers, you’ll find it at


            We are preparing for your arrival. Register now and meet us in Colorado in
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