Page 7 - NAGC21 Program at-a-glance
P. 7


                                            *Sampling Sessions subject to change

        What Is Missing From the Identification of               Eliminating Gifted Programs Increases Inequity

        Underrepresented Students?
                                                                 Presenters: Linda Silverman

        Presenters: Joseph Renzuli                                                     Joy L. Davis
                             Gilman Whiting

                                                                 NBC News reported that “gifted programs worsen

        This session describes instruments that focus on         equality.” Is this true? No. Eliminating gifted
        assessments for learning that can be used in             programs deprives low-income diverse children of

        addition to traditional measures that look only          opportunities available to families with greater

        at present levels of cognitive ability and               resources. Gifted programs may be the only place

        achievement. These instruments provide                   talented diverse students feel accepted. Sacrificing
        information about interests, unique strengths,           the gifted in misguided attempts to reduce racism

        learning and expression style preferences, and           prevents brilliant members of culturally diverse

        executive function skills. Examples of effective         groups from being discovered and nurtured.
        usage and an instrument   packet are provided.

        Power, Privilege, and Positioning: A Critical            Advancing Equity in Gifted Education for

        Time for Adopting a Critical Lens                        Underserved Student Populations

        Presenters: Elizabeth Fogarty                            Presenters: Fred A. Bonner

                                                                                       Stella Smith

        Power, privilege, positioning . . . what messages

        are portrayed in books, media, art and WHY?              The goal of this session is to explore and unpack
        Today’s world requires citizens who can think            topics related to gifted education programming and

        critically about complex issues. This session will       the critical need to advance curriculum, teaching,

        demonstrate the use of a critical literacy               and learning practices that promote equity and

        framework used to help gifted kids recognize             inclusion for student populations--particularly
        and question the ethical issues in the world             underrepresented represented minority learners.

        around them in order to create meaningful

                                                                   “Professional learning is essential for
                                                                   all educators (administrators,

                                                                   teachers, counselors, and other
                                                                   instructional support staff) involved in

                                                                   the development and implementation
                                                                   of gifted programs and services.” -

                                                                   NAGC PreK-Grade 12 Gifted
                                                                   Programming Standards
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