Page 11 - UTC 2023-24 Proposed Membership & Engagement Plan
P. 11


                                      MEMBER ENGAGEMENT

                                                 Recruit and Retain

                                                       THE GOALS

                                 It is important to note that UTC has undertaken several
                                 steps over the last few years to enhance membership

                                 value. Such activities will continue and be expanded to
                                 achieve the near, short, and long-term objectives listed

                                 on page nine.  In addition to creating a new mission,
                                 vision, and strategic focus, UTC plans to launch the

                                 redesigned website.

                                 Building on these activities in support of the 2022-24

                                 Strategic Plan and 2023 Organizational Workplan, the
                                 following goals will be met:

                                        UTC will retain at least 91- 95% of 2022 core

                                       We will strive to recruit 5-7 core utility organizations

                                       by 12.31.2023.

                                 A solid tactical plan is required to accomplish the 2023
                                 near-term goals. Our key objective is to increase new

                                 core members, including an engagement strategy while
                                 maintaining a high level of membership renewals.

                                 The following pages outline actionable tactics to achieve

                                 these goals and meet and/or exceed projected revenues.
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