Page 7 - UTC 2023-24 Proposed Membership & Engagement Plan
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UTC Member Value Proposition
                                              What’s in it for me?

                  UTC is the leading organization that gives utilities of all ownership types a forum to discuss
                  common telecommunications and technology challenges, opportunities, and solutions. UTC also

                  facilitates relationships between core utility members and key vendors, who can join UTC as
                  associate members.

                  BENEFITS FOR ALL
                  Regardless of the total, all staff will have access to member benefits.

                  New technologies and digital tools are reshaping the day-to-day responsibilities of utility workers.

                  UTC provides educational opportunities to telecommunications and IT professionals, engineers,
                  analysts, and technicians new to the field on pertinent issues, often at a highly technical level.


                  UTC advocates on the Hill, and in targeted states, on the key policy issues related to private utility
                  networks, including access to spectrum, IP transition, tower lighting, drone use, broadband

                  expansion, pole attachments, and cybersecurity. UTC is an effective advocate for these and many
                  more issues. In addition, UTC provides opportunities for other utilities throughout the globe to
                  engage as international members.

                  Globally, UTC’s independent operating units in Canada, Europe, and Africa, and its affiliate in Latin

                  America, engage with their regulatory and legislative bodies on similar issues,

                  SPECTRUM SERVICES is the source for authorized certified frequency coordination for Private Land

                  Mobile Radio Services below 512 MHz and 800-900 MHz frequencies. UTC is the sole frequency
                  coordinator authorized to coordinate channels previously allocated exclusively to the Power Radio
                  Service. In addition, UTC maintains the national Power Line Carrier (PLC) database to coordinate

                  PLC use with licensed government radio services in the 10-490 kHz band.


                  UTC's online member-exclusive community NetWorks provides opportunities for utilities throughout
                  the globe to engage 365 days a year. Attend or speak at UTC Telecom & Technology Conference,
                  Regional meetings, and Summits (issues include policy, broadband, physical, and cybersecurity).
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