Page 1 - NAGC20 Reimagined20! Daily Newsletter - Thursday, November 12, 2020
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November 12, 2020

                       Welcome to NAGC20!                                                         Thursday

             NAGC 67  Annual Convention Reimagined!

         The many challenges of 2020 have    Moving the convention from a                   Opening Keynote
         forced all of us to adapt, experiment,  planned in-person to a virtual event
         and innovate in every area of our   was no small undertaking, and it could             SCOTT ROSS
         lives. This has been no less true for   not have been done without the
         NAGC as we have had to re-examine   efforts of many dedicated people.
         and reinvent so many of our         Thanks go to the many Network
         programs and services in response   leaders, committee members, and
         to the ongoing pandemic. Although   other volunteers who contributed to
         we are not able to meet in person   this effort. In particular, we’d like to
         this year, we are very excited to   thank the members of this year’s
         bring you the annual convention in a   Program Committee and the
         whole new way!                      Convention Visioning Advisory Group
                                             for their work in planning and
         This year’s event will be NAGC’s first   reinventing the convention. Of course,
         fully virtual convention. While it will   none of this would have been possible      Will The Real Creative
         have many of the same elements      without the tremendous work of the             Person Please Stand Up?
         and outstanding content you have    NAGC staff who have helped develop
         come to expect from the NAGC        and deliver this reimagined event.                Location: Theater 1
         convention, it will also include many   There are many things to do and               6:00 – 7:15 PM EST

         new features and programs to        explore over the next several days.
         enhance your convention
         experience. The program has been    If you don’t get to some sessions, not            Pre-Convention

         extended from four to six days, and   to worry! Everything will be available             Workshops
         includes new elements like featured   for you to review for six months. This        11:00 – 3:30 PM EST

         speakers, virtual lounges, Table    year’s convention is unlike any you            Exhibitor Workshops

         Talks, and presentations available   have experienced, so make the most               11 – 4:00 PM EST
         on-demand.                          of it and explore all the possibilities!

                                                                                           First-Timers Orientation
                                                                                              4:30 – 5:30 PM EST

         Jonathan Plucker, Ph.D.      Lauri Kirsch, Ed.D.   John Segota, MPS, CAE

         President                    President-elect      Executive Director                Networking Events

                                                                                              7:15 – 9:30 PM EST
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