Page 4 - NAGC 67th Annual Convention Reimagined! Preliminary Program
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Pre-Convention Workshops   Reimagined! Everywhere

                                                                        Reimagined! Everywhere

                       Capacity per program is limited. Registration is first-come, first-served.

              WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 2020                 REGISTRATION FEE:  $99

             Learning Environments of the Future
              (30 people maximum capacity)

             SPEAKERS: Dr. Gillian Eriksson, UCF Gifted, CCIE; Dr. Kathleen Ingraham, Director, CREST, CCIE; and
             Dr. Jennifer Sanguiliano-Lonski, Assistant, Project ELEVATE (2015-2020), Department of Learning Sciences and

             Educational Research, University of Central Florida

             How are we creating future learning environments for both teac  hers of the gifted and their students? Explore
             new technologies in a virtual tour and demonstration by the Inst  itute for Simulation and Training, and learn how
             they use Augmented and Virtual Reality.

             Explore issues related to stereotyping, prejudice, and discrimination of diverse learners. In this session,
             participants will be able to interact live with virtual avatars of gifted learners who differ in national origin, EL
             status, levels of giftedness, and motivation through the ELEVATE Gifted Simulated Classroom.

             From Lessons Learned in 2020: Proactive Ideas for Developing Equitable Gifted and
             Talented Programs and Services

             SPEAKERS: Dina M. Brulles, Director of Gifted Education, Paradise Valley Unified School District, and
             Scott J. Peters, Professor, University of Wisconsin - Whitewater

             The last year has seen a number of new resources and ideas on the topic of developing equitable gifted and
             talented identification systems, programs, and services. But these resources only work if educators are aware of
             them and have the necessary support to implement them. This pre-convention session is designed to give gifted
             and talented program coordinators an overview of what has been learned in the past year and to share resources
             for how these best practices can be implemented. These lessons learned include understanding the benefits of
             universal screening and local norms in identification, as well as building proactive, equity-oriented identification
             systems. New approaches to developing and supporting programs and services include broadening and
             expanding existing structures with equity as a primary goal.

             This session will approach each topic in two ways: the presenters will share an overview of the concepts and,
             second, lead a tour of NAGC-based resources for implementation and further exploration. All attendees will leave
             with a better understanding of each topic, with the goal of being equipped to explain it to an administrator. We
             will also provide a folder full of resources for how to implement these ideas in a range of school environments.

       4      For schedule details, go to
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