Page 7 - NAGC 67th Annual Convention Reimagined! Preliminary Program
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Signature Sessions         Reimagined! Everywhere

           A Changed World: How Do We                               Pioneers of Our Past: The Living

           Respond to Gifted Children in Times                      Contributions of George Betts
           of Crisis?
                                                                    Amy Graefe, University of Northern Colorado
                                                                    Stuart Omdal, University of Northern Colorado
           Ed Amend, The Amend Group
           Emily Kircher-Morris, Licensed Professional Counselor,
             Mind Matters Podcast
                                                                    Pioneers of Our Past: The Living
           Challenges, Changes, and Creative                        Contributions of Donald Treffinger
           Opportunities for the Advancement                          Laurie Abeel, Department of Defense
           of Gifted Education Programs in a                          Education Activity
           Rapidly Changing World                                   Stephen Schroth, Towson University

           Sally Krisel, University of Georgia                      Recruiting and Retaining Teachers of
           Joseph Renzulli, University of Connecticut
                                                                    Color in Gifted Education Classrooms
           Confronting Pseudoscience in Gifted                        Joy Lawson Davis, Educational Consultant,
           Education: What We Used to Believe and                     Creating Positive Futures (Moderator)
           What We Know Now                                         Darryl Bradshaw, Northern High School, Durham, NC
                                                                    Rodney Pierce, Red Oak Middle School, Battleboro, NC
           Jill Adelson, Duke University                            Tia Thompson, Cone Elementary School, Greensboro, NC
           Matt Makel, Duke University
           Matt McBee, East Tennessee University                    When “Equity” in Advanced Learning
           Erin Morris-Miller, Bridgewater College, VA              Actually Means “Elimination”: The
           Scott Peters, University of Wisconsin-Whitewater
           Kate Snyder, Hanover College, PA                         Front Lines of Advocacy in Gifted
           Hope Wilson, University of North Florida                 Education

           Digging into Diversity                                   Jonathan Plucker, Johns Hopkins University,

                                                                      NAGC President (Moderator)
           Stephen Covert, Pineview School, FL                      Nathan Hoffman, Empower Illinois
           Joy Lawson Davis, Educational Consultant, Creating Positive    Amy Hsin, City University of New York and NYC School
              Futures                                                 Diversity Advisory Group

           Deb Douglas, Educational Consultant, GT Carpe Diem       Myles Mendoza, Empower Illinois

             For schedule details, go to
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